Hear and Learn “All audio to all ears. Always” mantra adopted in Gippsland

A teacher at Churchill Primary was thrilled to learn of her experiences with Hear and Learn technology at Morwell Central continued at her new School.

“I spent many years at Morwell Central and love the Flexmike to capture teacher voice and deliver auditory equity to all learners” stated Linda Macgregor.

Ms Macgregor is referring to our teacher microphone – the industry’s smallest and lightest – which transmits to either our Redcat, Topcat, or 975 devices to create a theatre-like listening experience for all learners.  The industry term for this is soundfield.

The SoundHouse was adopted in the new construction which is an interface between other forms of audio in a learning space including PA and Screen audio to ceiling speakers and transmitters to hearing aid receivers.

Big thanks to Phantom Electrical who did a great job installing the SoundHouse’s.

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